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NCP Legal Case to Dissolve the SSRC Is Another War in the Making
Written/Submitted by Dr. James Okuk   
Wednesday, 08 December 2010 00:00
Read the below article but don't lose heart because the desire for South Sudan Independence is so strong than the winds and waves of the Northern Saboteurs and their few Southern stooges.
Message from Collo Community Canada
Written/Submitted by Rev. Francis Nyawello Chan   
Wednesday, 08 December 2010 00:00

Dear New formed office (Collo Community Canada)

On behalf of Board of directories and executive body: Pashodo Community Mutual Assistance Association- USA. We would like to share with you the joyful of formation of your executive office.

Call from Chollo Women in Canada
Written/Submitted by Mrs. Bushay Otong   
Wednesday, 08 December 2010 00:00

I Mrs. Bushay Otong secretary of Women affairs of Chollo community in Canada under leadership of Mr. Peter Aban Amon President of Chollo community in Canada held the first meeting on December 4, 2010 with members of Chollo women, where by the entire members of Chollo women attended the meeting to discuss the issues facing Chollo women in the Diaspora.

The chollo Women Unanimously agreed to stand up for the challenges that are facing Chollo women in the world, and how to confront these challenges.

Chollo Women in Canada had discussed the following issues:

1- The empowerment of Chollo Women in Canada and around the world

2- Improved the live of Chollo in Canada through capacity building, social, Cultural, educational, recreational, advocacy, economic, and political activities.

3- Information sharing and networking with stakeholders to bring the community together with aim of building a strong and vibrant community.

4- Sustain members abilities to be productive citizen

5- To promote the spirits of unity and togetherness amongst the Chollo people by encouraging members to attend social gathering and give moral and social support to each other.

6- To work for unity, integrity and welfare of all Chollo people in Canada and elsewhere in the world.

The chollo women also is concern about the Chollo culture as the most important and viable tool to keep Chollo people as who they are.

The chollo Women in Canada are also calling and appealing to all chollo people in USA, Asia, Europe ,Australia, and in Sudan to received this appeal with humbleness and be put in consideration by anyone who consider himself or herself as part of Chollo community. Please do so as a brother and a sister.

Also the Chollo women in Canada would like to call for Chollo men, youth, university students and peace lovers to support and stand with women for the good course our community.

Again, we the women of Chollo in Canada would like to extend our great thanks to Mr. Peter Aban Amon the President of Chollo community in Canada and his executive, elder’s advisory team, cities representatives who are extensively working very hard to unite and keep the unity of Chollo in Canada more attractive to all Chollo people in Canada in particular and Chollo in general around the world..

We can be reached through the office of Mr. Peter Aban Amon the President of Chollo community in Canada at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 204-779-9874 or 204-997-6127

Thanks you, God bless you all


Mrs. Bushay Otong , Secretary for Women Affairs

Annoucement of Canada Collo Office Formation
Saturday, 04 December 2010 21:06

Chollo communities in US, Europe, Australia, Africa and Asia:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Collo people in particular and southern Sudanese in general bleed and tear for decades. Individuals or group in Canada as in many other countries around the world  have been doing their utmost best to confront the challenges and to overcome them, but the dimension of our problem is complicated and behind power of individuals or group.

Does South Sudan Referendum Act Permit Deng Alor Kuol to Vote in South Sudan referendum?
Written/Submitted by Gordon Buay   
Thursday, 02 December 2010 00:00

Deng AlorThe South Sudan Referendum Commission made it very clear that people from Abyei cannot vote in the upcoming referendum because Abyei, according to the CPA, has a separate referendum. The only person from Abyei that is allowed to vote in South Sudan referendum is somebody who is not any longer a citizen of Abyei and can no longer claim to have any ties with Abyei whatsoever.

buying and selling of registration cards
Written/Submitted by Yohannes Kong Tut   
Wednesday, 01 December 2010 00:00

reg cardWhen asked about ticket sellers, Mullana Gordon Buay Reath Said

“The South Sudan Referendum Act is very clear when it comes to issues like buying and selling of registration cards. It is a crime for a registered voter to sell a registration card that was intended for voting in the upcoming referendum. It is also a crime to buy a card from somebody with an intention to prevent  the registered voter from voting.

27.11.2010 Press Release.
Written/Submitted by Dr. Peter Adwok Otto   
Sunday, 28 November 2010 00:00

27.11.2010, Press Release.

On Friday November 26/2010, people of Malakal town turn out in big numbers at the river side at 10;00AM, eagerly awaiting the arrival of SPLM-DC heroes who had been just set free from SPLA detentions camps since April elections 2010.

الديمقراطية تقييد لسلطة الحكام
Written/Submitted by Mojowk Olir Joac   
Sunday, 28 November 2010 00:00

وجدت الديمقراطية في الأساس لتنفيذ سلطة الحكام و الحد من احتمالات تعسفهم و إدارة الصراع بطرق سلمية و لتحقيق هذين الهدفين تم إيجاد مجموعة مبادئ أو أسس السياسية عامة و تم ابتكار مجموعة مؤسسات و آليات و ضمانات و ضوابط لكل مبدأ من مبادئها.

الإنفصال افضل خيار لشعب جنوب السودان
Written/Submitted by E. Aban   
Friday, 26 November 2010 00:00

بقلم: عبد الشكور هاشم درار---لندن

حق تقرير المصير هو حق لشعب جنوب السودان نصت عليها اتفاقية السلام الشامل الموقعة عليها بين المؤتمر الوطني ممثلا للنظام الحاكم بالسودان و الحركة الشعبية للتحرير السودان عام 2005م  بدولة كينيا. ونصت دستور السودان الانتقالي لعام 2005م  والتي مصدرها اتفاقية السلام الشامل بإجراء استفتاء بعد خمسة اعوام من توقيع الاتفاق ليحدد شعب جنوب السودان الإنفصال او البقاء كجزء من الدولة السودانية، ولم يتبق لموعد إجراء الإستفتاء إلا ايام تكاد تكون قليل جداً للترتيب لها بطريقة جيدة.

The Alliance of South Sudan Political Parties
Written/Submitted by Dr. Peter Adwok Otto   
Friday, 26 November 2010 00:00

The Alliance of South Sudan Political Parties followed with great concern the events taking place on the preparations for the referendum on self-determination for the people of South Sudan, particularly the voters registration phase, which began on the 15th of this month.

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Annoucement of Canada Collo Of
Dear New formed office (Collo Community Canada) O
really, not even a single mabaan in the minister o
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Congratulations! Collo in Canada and in the world
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Mr. Ojwok Nyawello. Thanks for your intervention.
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Dear,Dr. Peter Adowk. collo community has surfered
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[i][i][i]Congratulation Collo in Canada for new of
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It is my utmost pleasure and happiness to hear abo
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Congratulations to Collo Community in Canda for th
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